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HomeCultureDavid Bowie Predicts the Good & Unhealthy of the Web in 1999:...

David Bowie Predicts the Good & Unhealthy of the Web in 1999: “We’re on the Cusp of One thing Exhilarating and Terrifying”

“We’re on the cusp of some­factor exhil­a­rat­ing and ter­ri­fy­ing.”

The 12 months is 1999 and David Bowie, in shag­gy hair and groovy glass­es, has seen the longer term and it’s the Inter­web.

On this brief however fas­ci­nat­ing inter­view with BBC’s stal­wart and with­er­ing inter­roga­tor cum inter­view­er Jere­my Pax­man, Bowie gives a fore­solid of the many years to come back, and will get most of it proper, if not all. Pax­man dole­ful­ly performs satan’s advo­cate, though I sus­pect he did actual­ly see the Web as a “device”– sim­ply a repack­ag­ing of an exist­ing medi­um.

“It’s an alien life type that simply land­ed,” Bowie coun­ters.

Bowie, who had arrange his personal bowie.web as a pri­vate ISP the pre­vi­ous 12 months, begins by say­ing that if he had begin­ed his profession in 1999, he wouldn’t have been a musi­cian, however a “fan col­lect­ing data.”

It sound­ed provoca­tive on the time, however Bowie makes some extent right here that has tak­en on extra cre­dence in recent times–that the rev­o­lu­tion­ary sta­tus of rock within the ‘60s and ‘70s was tied to its rar­i­ty, that the inabil­i­ty to learn­i­ly hear music gave it pow­er and cur­ren­cy. Rock is now “a profession oppor­tu­ni­ty,” he says, and the Inter­web now has the attract that rock as soon as did.

What Bowie won’t have seen is how fast­ly that attract would put on off. The Inter­web now not has a mys­tery to it. It’s clos­er to a pub­lic util­i­ty, odd­ly some extent that Bowie makes lat­er when speak­ing in regards to the inven­tion of the tele­telephone.

Bowie additionally authorised of the demys­ti­fi­ca­tion between the artist and audi­ence that the Inter­web was professional­vid­ing. In his closing decade, how­ev­er, he would search out anonymi­ty and pri­va­cy, drop­ping his closing two albums sud­den­ly with­out fan­fare and refus­ing all inter­views. He additionally didn’t fore­see the sort of trolling that sends celebri­ties and artists off of social media.

Pax­man sees the frag­males­ta­tion of the Inter­web as a prob­lem; Bowie sees it as a plus.

“The poten­tial of what the Inter­web goes to do to soci­ety, each good and dangerous, is unimag­in­in a position.”

There’s much more to unpack on this seg­ment, and let your dif­fer­ing view­factors be recognized within the com­ments. It’s what Bowie would have need­ed.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

David Bowie Affords Recommendation for Aspir­ing Artists: “Go a Lit­tle Out of Your Depth,” “Nev­er Ful­fill Oth­er Folks’s Expec­ta­tions”

David Bowie on Why It’s Loopy to Make Artwork–and We Do It Any­means (1998)

Watch David Bowie Per­type “Star­man” on High of the Pops: Vot­ed the Nice­est Music Per­for­mance Ever on the BBC (1972)

How David Bowie Used William S. Bur­roughs’ Reduce-Up Technique to Write His Unfor­get­desk Lyrics

Ted Mills is a free­lance author on the humanities who cur­hire­ly hosts the artist inter­view-based FunkZone Pod­solid. It’s also possible to fol­low him on Twit­ter at @tedmills, learn his oth­er arts writ­ing at and/or watch his movies right here.



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